Welcome to HumanDesignApp.com!

The first native Human Design App is available for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Our mission is to provide you with an intuitive app to be used by the Human Design community. 

The App offers the following features:
- Human Design chart calculation
- Chart Save and Load functionality
- Context information in 13 languages about Centers, IChing gates, Definitions, Type, Authority, Profiles and Planets.

- Composite charts (IAP)
- Current Transits and Transit Overlay (IAP)
- Planet Returns (IAP)
- Oracle based on Human Design

Email us at app@humandesignapp.com if you have any questions. 

You can also download the app for Android directly from this link

Download on the App Store
Available on Samsung Galaxy Store
Get it on Google Play


  1. Forgot to say fantastic app thanks very much

  2. Good app... Please can WE have a Italian versione? Thx

  3. congratulations foro the app I am using It with my patients as me its helping them a lot yo understand themself...

  4. Hi, thank you for such a wonderful tool! Before I found this, I had a bunch printed charts stuffed in my book and could never find what I was looking for. I recommended your app to my mom, who does human design readings for a living, and she uses it all the time too. I got a message today that the app will no longer work when iOS 11 comes out. I would hate to lose it!! I don't know anything about app development but please update it if you can—it would mean a lot to my mom and me.

  5. Just download the new version 3.0.3 and the message will disappear. It is compatible with iOS 11.

  6. Purchased the Transit Overlay on iTunes, the purchase went through, but they are not showing up. What’s the deal?

    1. Hi, send me an email via the app and I will help you.

  7. Nice app! It would be awesome if you included channel descriptions and an optional transit overlay on the front screen of the app for quick access. Good luck with the development!

  8. Version 4.1.3 does not display all the information about active gates related to a centre. This bug is new since 4.1.3 was released

    1. Thank you, this will be fixed in the next version.

  9. Hi. Will there be any new features to the app? Channels, cross i.e. really love the app!!

  10. Hi Sandra, yes channels, Group Energy, redesigned time date entry screen, cloud sync and more.

  11. Hello, I use android without google services and I rely on alternative stores to install applications.
    Would it be possible to provide an apk file to download, or to publish your app to the F-Droid store?

    Also, is the app open-source?


  12. I can't seem to find the app on Google Play, using 3 different android devices. Has it been pulled from Google Play? If not, what do I need to do to get the app. A friend has it and says it's great. Thanks for the help!

  13. Does it work for Korean? I'd like to know whether your app can support Korean in 13 languages.

  14. The app won't let me purchase for the full features. When I click the button to pay, it says that feature isn't available at this time. Please help!

  15. Please email at app@humandesignapp.com

  16. Hi, I love your HD app. But one thing I dont understand (and is not in line with what I thought about the topic, especially in regard to HD). How is it possible to calculate if some one is a SOULmate? On the basis of what? And HD are mechanics right? Not soulstuff. Thanks for your reply, Eva

  17. Please email me at app@humandesignapp.com

  18. I can’t figure out how to creat a composite chart. I just see two celebrity couples and no additional options. Can anyone help me out? Thanks

    1. Hello, email me at app@humandesignapp.com please and I will help you.

  19. Hello, thank you. Please email me at app@humandesignapp.com
